
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Little light table

I bought this little light table from our local catholic school thrift store a while back for 4 bucks. My girlfriend at the time thought I was crazy.
I could see a nursery...all done pistachio!
What do you think?


Oh look at that cute green goodness! I love this little guy and really don't want to give it up.

I recovered a cream covered lamp shade to this beautiful blue, green, yellow and white plaid. I added the wood like buttons as an extra touch.

Can't you just see reading to your little one a sweet night time story? I'm really digging working the paint to look old and chippy. I don't know if I can give this one up, but I really don't have anything that matches it, nor a little one anymore. No, wait...he'll ALWAYS be my little one. : )


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