
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beach, Strawberries and a burger

Hi all! I'm back with no more black outs! Oh no, not me, my computer! The screen kept fading in and out, so our good friend Delos hooked me up with a new laptop screen. All I had to do in return was make him a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Thank you!

I've been wanting to share a few pics from one of our end of summer weekend trips. We spent the day at Pescadero Beach with some friends of ours. We found lots of beach glass and some cool shells and even ran across some handmade drift wood forts.
Yup, you read that right.
Drift wood forts.
Really cool.

I took so many picture that day it was hard to figure out which ones to put up. The drive through Half Moon Bay on the way to the beach is always beautiful. I couldn't believe I actually captured some of it with our janky little camera while sitting in the passenger seat doing about 45.

Our friends up ahead in the mini van. Hi guys!

The ever famous cemetery leading into Half Moon Bay. Maybe it's just famous to me and my childhood memories. Half Moon Bay hosts the Pumpkin Festival and when I was little there always seemed to be a group of "haunters" dressed and roaming the cemetery when we made the annual trip.

After we played around at the beach, we headed down the coast to a little "Honor System" farm to pick our own strawberries. Super fun! We were the only ones to actually pick some out of our group, but our little family had a great time doing it. Justin was really in awe once he saw the rows and rows of strawberry plants. The farm itself, was super clean and super cute with delicious looking items!

After all that fun, we all headed into the Santa Cruz area to find a place to grab a burger. We found the perfect joint, named Burger. They had the most unusual burgers I had seen. My hubby had one called the Phatty. The buns...were two grilled cheese sandwiches! Some of the burgers, had buns made from glazed donuts. Um...I don't know about that one. Mine was good though, the Dude and little man had the Kobe Burger sliders.

It was a great way to end our summer!

We are back in full swing now, school, gymnastics and soccer. I've got some projects going on and John has been offered a position with DataLink that he has decided to take. We are very excited about it but a little sad that he had to set aside his business. It just makes more sense for us financially, right now. He didn't close shop, just won't be pursuing any outside contracts. His official start date was September first. I love you honey!

It's also my fathers 74th birthday. My parents spent the day in Pismo beach and just returned about a half an hour ago (8:30 pm). I can't wait to hear how much fun they had and what they found! Happy Birthday Daddy, I love you very much!



  1. seriously pickin strawberries labor day????? you can tell i am from the east coast lol

  2. hey sis cool pics. and it looked realy fun i whitch i was there.the drift wood forts are cool.well got to go your bro.
