
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mark this one off the list!

A few months ago I picked this little gem up from, yet again, a CraigsLister who just didn't have a spot for it anymore. I love our little town of Los Gatos, sweet people that have very cool things.

It's a White Sewing machine and it came not only with the booklet, but with all KINDS of little sewing feet and attachments. I really do want to plug it in and try it out, I'm hoping that all the little attachments really do work. I don't have a ruffler for my Brother machine, but this one does!

Oh, and look at the little built in bobbin and pin holder in the top drawer.

My mom says to just plug it in and go for it! I'm always so leery when it comes to electricity and electrical things, especially when they are super old.

So after I gave it a good cleaning, I just went ahead and started spraying. Yes, I am a spray paint kinda girl. My daddy probably isn't very proud of that, as he prides himself on his painting skills, and the man has painted his entire house, inside and out, with just a little 4 inch wide brush, but my patience level isn't as big as his.

Anyways, here she is!

The sides both still open and the original White Sewing machine is still inside, so for now, I'm keeping my machine on top. I'd like to get a thin sheet of Luanne wood (I think that's how it's spelled, I know it sounds like that : ) ) and when I need to open it up and use my machine, I can just put the wood over the opening with the White in it. If you haven't noticed, I seem to be into painting the "feet" of furniture. Lucky for me, there was a nice little trim edge around the bottom that just screamed, "Paint me like feet!" My pedi's seem to be all with black polish, but I sure do love it!

I love how my chair pops against the yellow.

I can't wait to sit down and start using her!

And find the guts to plug the original machine in. : )

I'm linking to:
I can't seem to figure out the grab my button and link up thing this morning...