
Thursday, August 5, 2010

For you Jamison!

My good friend Ashley is pregnant with her second son, Jamison, and had this adorable Pottery Barn style baby bassinet. However, it was a little on the dingy white side and she was looking more for the beautiful espresso side.
So, that's what I did for her.
What do you think?



I threw the white table cloth in between because it will eventually have a white with blue trim bed set and matching crib skirt. I wanted to show Ashley (and Lia..Hi Lia! haha!) an idea of what it was going to look like. She and her hubby love it and have already picked it up and moved it into place at home. I hope you enjoy your new home when you arrive Jamison! I had fun cleaning it up for you! : )


P.S. I will have Birthday pictures posted soon. I'm hoping to do it tonight, but you know how real life works out. The boys had a blast and the party was a big success! Thanks Nanny and Poppy for hosting and letting us, yet again, use our beloved family pool! : )

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