
Sunday, August 8, 2010

A little beachy

I picked up this cute child's rocking chair at my local Savers a few months back. I have one from my childhood, actually I believe it was my mother's from her childhood. (Mom, can you confirm?) I had been wanting to re-do a little rocker but really didn't want to do mine. So when I ran across this one, I grabbed it up quick.
I had one vision for it: beachy and unisex.
I think I achieved it, what do you think?

I made the little cushion reversible so if you didn't want the flowery motif any more, just flip it over and have a nice solid cream ribbed motif.

I added grommets to the ends of the tabs on the cushion, then just flipped the chair over, marked where the grommets landed, added some little screws for the grommets to fit over, and voila!
Reversible cushion. : )

So, if you are in the market for a darling little beachy rocker, let me know!
I've got one I can sell you. : )

Update: I sold this cutie at my garage sale to a sweet elderly couple for their great granddaughter! Yeah!

I've linked up to:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pool Party!

Pictures from Justin's 10th Birthday party.

The little crew of 4 J's and an M had a blast goofing around in the pool. We played a few games, one being a big hit. We marked 20 each of 5 different colored poker chips with a "J" on one side and then added in a HUGE bunch of blank poker chips and threw them all in the pool. Boy, the pool was quite for at least 45 minutes while the boys searched for those marked chips. Easy, cheap, and fun game!

We also did an art project, but got so wrapped up in it I forgot to take still pictures of it, just video. We bought blank canvases, put a 12 inch initial with contact paper in the middle of the canvas, bought 6 different colored paints and loaded up spray bottles and condiment squeeze bottles and let them go at it. We also had torn up sponges and those water foam ball things, I don't know what to call them, but they worked great for soaking up paint and then splattering on the canvas. After drying, we pulled off the contact paper and ended up with some very unique initial art work. We liked it so much, we did it at the family party that night as well.

We just got home from taking little man to see Step Up 3D for one of his Birthday presents. GREAT movie! We all loved it! Next up on his Birthday list (yes, his presents tend to span over a few weeks) are the tickets to see his all time favorite DJ, Bassnecter. He is beside himself in anticipation! He's got two more weeks to wait but will have it fresh in his mind for when school starts. What a weekend that will be, Bassnecter on Saturday, he'll be DJ'ing in the park on Sunday, and then starts school on Monday as "Seniors" of the school. Okay, he'll only be in 5th grade, but they are the "Upper" class of school.

I feel like I've been rambling, maybe I should throw up some pictures.

(face/arm painting from company picnic)

(In the backyard working on his flips...could never catch the awesome mid-air action shot)

(In the trees at the S.F. Renegade Craft Fair)

I love you Justin!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

For you Jamison!

My good friend Ashley is pregnant with her second son, Jamison, and had this adorable Pottery Barn style baby bassinet. However, it was a little on the dingy white side and she was looking more for the beautiful espresso side.
So, that's what I did for her.
What do you think?



I threw the white table cloth in between because it will eventually have a white with blue trim bed set and matching crib skirt. I wanted to show Ashley (and Lia..Hi Lia! haha!) an idea of what it was going to look like. She and her hubby love it and have already picked it up and moved it into place at home. I hope you enjoy your new home when you arrive Jamison! I had fun cleaning it up for you! : )


P.S. I will have Birthday pictures posted soon. I'm hoping to do it tonight, but you know how real life works out. The boys had a blast and the party was a big success! Thanks Nanny and Poppy for hosting and letting us, yet again, use our beloved family pool! : )

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Last day of being a single

It's true.
My little guy is turning 10 tomorrow.
This was his "last day of being a single" as he puts it.
That is, a single digit.
I was able to sneak in a few pictures before heading off to nanny and poppy's for the day.

I hope you enjoyed your last day of being single my sweet one! I love you so much and can't wait to see what your "double digits" bring!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Little Ribbon Bar

I do love me some ribbon...and trim...and yarn.
I have lots of it.
I had been storing it in random containers in my craft room.
Then I ran across a lovely individual on CL giving away for free their child's royal blue semi-broken toy holder.
After some white paint, some awesome wrapping paper from PaperSource and some new wheels, I turned it into this:

Then I filled it with all of this:

Okay, it didn't ALL fit, so some still have to be stored in their containers on top. But they still look lovely!

After I started pulling it all out, I realized that I REALLY like cream and white trim, lace, ribbon and pearls. I decided it should all go in one of the cubes.
I love to just "paw" through all that creamy dreamy goodness!

My yarn took over the two bottom cubes. I LOVE that it is on rollers and can be wheeled to wherever I want in my room. I'm thinking I'm going to be putting wheels on a lot of my units, they are just so functional! just use some of this and create something fabulous!
