
Friday, March 19, 2010

Craft room update!

Check out my Nest page. I've posted pictures of my craft room. I finally got around to taking the rest of the office equipment out and rearranging the room to fit my needs better. I love it! Of course like most of us crazy crafters/home decorators, I'm sure I will find some things that need some tweaking and shuffling about. Anyways, go on over!


Click over.

You know you want to.

My touches of spring

I'm feeling like a lot of people out there, a nice little spring in my step with all the sunny weather that's been going on. Hubby and I have been getting ready for our City wide Spring Cleanup and can't wait for tomorrow morning to haul all the junk out to the curb and be rid of it once and for all. With all the icky junk we don't want going away, I felt like I needed to update the seasonal theme as well. So, here are some touches of spring I have added to the house. I love them all and makes me feel bright and cheery!

I really like the look of fresh fruit. Too bad these aren't actually fresh...or real. Yup, they are fakes, but they are good fakes. And in this house, fresh goes bad to quickly and I wanted these to last the season. So far everyone that has come over and seen them, has been fooled.
Opps, I guess no one else will be now. : )

I found this little guy just recently at Savers. I couldn't resist his "come feed me" look.
I did.
With some Jelly Beans for spring.
But wouldn't he look cute filled with some bird seed, or sunflower seeds?

I decided I needed to freshen up my dinning room buffet as well. I love that I can "shop the house" as they have coined out in blogland, and have a whole new look!

And can anyone find the "what happened here" item in the picture above? I didn't even notice until I uploaded these...can you find it?

I love the blues and yellows in this, it makes me feel very beachy with little pops of flowers here and there. Yes, there is a little red tin, but I had just ran across my little set of cookie cutters and wanted to display them. When I say little, I really mean mini. I'll have to snap a shot of those soon. We bought those out in Florida on our trip to the Winter Music Conference a few years back. We ran across a very random flea market and found those little gems.
FYI, if you haven't found it yet, it's the blue metal shelf. The scallop edging has decided to come apart from the flat shelf part. Gorilla Glue to the rescue!

I kept seeing this darling little bird all over blog posts, with lots of crafty ladies painting and distressing them. One I even saw made it look like Mercury glass, super cool! (If that was you, I'm sorry I can't remember where I saw it, but speak up and I'll be more then happy to post where I found it.) I finally found them at my Dollar Store and feel in love with him just the way he is. I thought he should be protected in a nice little glass cage.

Isn't he handsome?
What's that you say?
He's too big for the cage?
I have him trained to sit all day and look like he's pondering why he's not IN the cage and some books, a picture, a glass starfish and some wicker balls that clearly CAN'T fly are in the cage. That's how good I am.
Found him at Ross, btw, 4.99.
I'm outta my mind! Haha!

So there you have it. My bits and pieces of spring are finally starting to emerge not only outside, but inside as well. Makes me feel good. : )


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

For sale?

Hey there!
I think the family is finally all done being sick. Maybe we all caught something after we hauled all our unwanted crap outside last Saturday for our big family garage sale. That was fun! It turned into a nice little family gathering with a surprise visit by one of my nephews. I always like having garage sales because people feel the urge to tell you the most random stories. Maybe because they are peering into your world just a smidge, buying all your old memories. Hopefully taking your stuff and building more memories with them.

Anyways, after the sale I sent little man and TALL boy out on their bikes to collect the sale signs.
This is what came home:

Yup, came riding up the street with all the signs taped to himself.
(That's TALL boy, my nephew, by the way.
You can't tell because he's kneeling, but TALL boy is over 6 feet.)

Now I can't wait for this weekend! Our community Spring Clean Up project has started and our weekend is this one!
I love spring!
Do you?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I dunno...

I came home to find this:
(Did I not just post about him wanting to be more manly?)

Yes, that is my pink Snuggie.

Will he kill me for posting these?
(If I come up missing, look in the fireplace, he always claims to stuff people in there.)

Isn't he as handsome as ever, not feeling well and wrapped in a pink Snuggie?
I love you my Darling Prince!
(or should I say I love you my darling f#$@face?)
